Professional Development

Read up on how mentoring can drive your career forward. Be inspired to develop your skills and advance your career, whether you’re a Gen Z-er or approaching retirement. Career Navig8r is for everyone.

What Are Your Career Goals? How A Mentor Can Help You Achieve Them

What are your career goals? We can get so focused on the next payday or our next appraisal, and it can be easy to get lost in the daily grind and lose…

The Importance of Mentorship in Career Development

Have you considered guiding someone through their career? Picture yourself inspiring a budding professional, teaching them what you know best and witnessing them thrive. Sound exciting? Think of yourself as a bridge…

Career Break Ideas to Keep Your Bank Account Topped Up

There are many reasons why we might find ourselves taking a career break;perhaps you’re preparing for a new family member,are returning to university or are finally ready to start your backpacking adventure….

Why mentoring works in Information Technology

Full disclosure: We’re going to be borrowing heavily from a mentoring study carried out by Sun Microsystems. You’ve heard of them if you’ve anything to do with IT. Why THIS study in…

How To Know What To Look For In a Mentor

Getting a mentor can be a real benefit to your career and your life. The world is full of capable and willing people ready to help you become a better person but…

How to Be a Successful Project Leader

A project leader or project manager is someone who leads a team through a project’s journey until its destination is reached. They are the people who have to keep the team motivated,…

Learn from people who've already done your job