Mentor Tips

Check out our mentoring top tips, designed to help you be the best mentor you can be. Learn more about the different mentoring styles and find advice on how to motivate your mentee to smash their goals as you build a trusting mentor-mentee partnership.

How to Perfect Your Body Language in Virtual Meetings

Perfecting your body language on Zoom, Teams, Google Meet or other virtual meeting platforms (like the one we use to host our Career Navig8r mentoring sessions!) is more important than ever in…

What Are The 4 Stages of Mentoring?

Have you heard of the 4 stages of mentoring? These four phases provide a framework that’s incredibly useful for structuring your mentoring sessions – especially when you’re working with the same mentee…

The Importance of Mentorship in Career Development

Have you considered guiding someone through their career? Picture yourself inspiring a budding professional, teaching them what you know best and witnessing them thrive. Sound exciting? Think of yourself as a bridge…

Entrepreneurship Mentoring: What You Need to Know

Starting a business is no small feat. It requires not just a great idea, but also the skills to bring the idea to life and the wisdom to make the right decisions,…

How to Measure Mentoring Success

Understanding how to measure mentoring success is important, not just to validate your efforts, but also to refine your approach for even greater effectiveness in the future. As a mentor, you’ve put…

How to Set Boundaries in Mentoring

Like any other relationship, knowing how to set boundaries in mentoring is essential. Boundaries refer to the rules, guidelines, limits and standards that are expected in a relationship and their purpose is…

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