About me
More than 10 years' experience (after leaving the Academic Research sector), Consulting with various Software & Product development organizations as they transformed to more agile, innovative & digitized processes for Product ideation, innovation and development. Highly knowledgeable on all-things agile, especially beyond the theory. Experienced in training individuals, teams & organizations on how to get the best of agile in a Product development environment, how to manage transformations to agile, Product-centric ways of working and how to deal with the unavoidable problems this creates for individuals, teams and organizations. Serial Entrepreneur and Inventor, having 'invented' a number of solutions (some to actual problems!), submitted a couple of Patents (unnecessarily!) and created more than one Business opportunity based on inventions. One of these inventions is listed below (flowdaq) Experienced as a one-to-one Mentor, both in the Academic & Research area and also in the commercial Software Development world, having mentored individuals in Product Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Release Train Engineer & Software Engineer roles.