How to Get Back to Work After a Career Break

how to get back to work after a career break

Looking for advice on how to get back to work after a career break? You’re probably feeling a whirlwind of emotions, from eagerness to anxiety. Perhaps you’ve been nurturing a newborn, caring for a loved one, recovering from illness, broadening your horizons through education, or even trotting the globe. Regardless of how you’ve spent your career break, getting back to work can often feel like a plunge into the unknown.

If you’re not quite ready to dive back in headfirst, you may need to dip your toes in to ease yourself in instead. Picking up some mentoring work that you can fit around your schedule and responsibilities can be a great way to kickstart returning to work after a career break. And if you fall in love with mentoring, you can even keep it up alongside your job once you’re fully immersed back in the world of work.

Before we explore the benefits of mentoring further, let’s focus on some essential preliminary steps to help you navigate getting back to work after a career break. We’re here to guide you so you can reclaim your space in the world of work. Let’s dive in!

5 Essential Steps for Returning to Work After a Career Break

Returning to work after a career break can be a challenging transition, but approaching it with a well-thought-out strategy can ease your re-entry into the professional world. Here are 5 essential steps when it comes to returning to work after a career break without a hitch.

1. Review Your Career Goals

Reflecting on your career goals is not merely a checkmark on your to-do list but a critical stepping stone when you’re planning how to get back to work after a career break. Your career goals form the compass that guides your professional journey, ensuring you never lose sight of your destination.

Grab a quiet moment, sit comfortably and let your thoughts flow. Have your passions shifted during your career break? Does your old job role still excite you or are you dreaming of a career change? Think about the skills you’ve gained during your time away, as they may help you launch a new career after a long break. Maybe you want to help others who’ve had a similar experience to you or perhaps your priorities have completely shifted. Whatever your story, as you navigate returning to work after a career break, take the opportunity to create a career path that truly reflects your evolved ambitions and aspirations.

2. Set a Return Date

Thinking about returning to work after a career break can be exciting but nerve-wracking. To ease your worries, choose a specific return date and think of it as a countdown to a fresh start.

It’s important to remember the importance of flexibility though. If life throws a curveball your way or if you feel you aren’t quite ready, there’s no harm in adjusting the date. Your return to work should be a time of excitement and fresh beginnings, not a time of stress or pressure. Everyone’s journey is different and it’s okay to move at your own pace.

3. Organise Your Home Responsibilities

When you’re planning how to get back to work after a career break, you’ll need to work out how you’re going to juggle your professional commitments alongside your home duties. Creating a system to manage these personal obligations is a pivotal step in charting your path back to work. Think of it as setting the stage for a smooth performance, allowing you to focus on your career without the nagging worries of other responsibilities.

You may need to delegate chores, create a schedule for errands/walking the dog/picking the kids up, or even explore hiring help. A well-balanced home and work life, along with a good support network will serve as the springboard for a successful comeback.

4. Keep In Touch with Your Employer

If your heart is set on going back to work for your former employer, keep them informed of your plans every step of the way. Not only will this help to smooth your comeback, but it’s also an opportunity to discuss your boundaries, any new requirements and your evolving career goals. Remember, the journey of returning to work after a career break is a shared one – your employer is an integral part of that adventure and open communication is the key to a trouble-free return.

5. Start a Fresh Job Search

If you want to start a new career after a long break from the workplace, bear in mind that the job market may have evolved. Familiarise yourself with current industry trends, update your CV, revamp your professional online presence and consider engaging with a coach or a mentor. Starting a new career after a long break is a thrilling chapter, brimming with potential and the promise of new professional conquests. You’ve got this!

How to Prepare for Returning to Work After a Career Break

Getting yourself ready for a return to work after a career break can be a process that requires both physical and mental preparation. Here are some steps you can take to smooth your transition:

Make Use of ‘Keep in Touch’ Days

Keep in Touch or ‘KIT’ days offer an invaluable opportunity to ease yourself back into the working world at your own pace. They serve as mini-rehearsals, softening the transition of returning to work after a career break. These days allow you to connect with colleagues, stay updated with industry shifts and gradually re-immerse yourself in the work environment. Think of it as a gradual sunrise, rather than the harsh flip of a light switch.

Brush Up on Your Training

As you prepare to restart your career after a break, updating your skill set should be a top priority. With the pace of changing technologies, regulations and innovations, lots may have advanced during your break. Engaging in further training or courses can be a beneficial bridge, refreshing your knowledge and boosting your self-confidence. By demonstrating that you’ve kept your skills honed, you’ll show prospective employers that you’re more than ready to jump back into the fray. After all, reigniting your career after a long break is not just about returning to work, it’s about embracing the chance to thrive and evolve too.

Practise Self-Care

Self-care should be an essential consideration when you’re planning how to get back to work after a career break in the healthiest way possible – both physically and mentally.

From renewing your exercise routine to implementing mindful meditation and fostering healthy eating habits – there are plenty of different ways to help stay in control of your wellbeing. These deliberate acts of self-care can help to:

  • Boost your energy
  • Improve focus
  • Elevate your mood

Remember, you’re not just restarting your career; you’re getting ready to confidently take on new challenges. It’s a fresh start and having the right mindset will be essential for your return to work.

Become a Mentor During Your Career Break

Now that you’ve successfully navigated the initial steps behind getting back to work after a career break, let’s steer our discussion back toward the role of mentoring. Becoming a mentor (or a Career Navig8r, as we call our mentors) can be a great way to dip your toe back into the world of work with the flexibility you might need as you start your transition.

Taking on a mentoring role could be just what you need to remind yourself of what you know and what you’ve achieved in your career so far. Trust us, there are people out there (mentees) who’d love to learn from you – and they’re willing to pay for the privilege. Mentoring can be a great way to top up your income, giving you plenty of flexibility if you’re not quite ready for a full-time return to work.

Mentoring also provides a platform for you to stay connected with your industry, sharpening your professional edge – you might even find yourself learning something new from your mentees, especially if you’re interested in mentoring Gen Z. Preparing to return to work after a career break isn’t just about rediscovering your professional self but can also include empowering others through shared wisdom and experiences. Read more about the benefits of mentoring.

If you’re ready to start mentoring while still on your career break, it couldn’t be easier to sign up to become a Career Navig8r. Fill out the application form, share your professional insights, join our community of Navig8rs and start inspiring others while enriching your own career narrative.

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