Finding Your Dream Job is Easier Than You Think and Here’s Why

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Are you looking for your dream job? Not sure what it might be or how to find it?

The road to finding your next dream job may be easier than you think. While many people struggle with their careers, new online resources are providing ever greater opportunities to discover a career path that’s right for you.

So today let’s take a closer look at how to find your dream job as well as some of the tools that exist to make that dream a reality.

Online Career Guides

For many people, finding out what their dream job even is is often half the battle. Fortunately for all of us, the internet is ripe with articles and advice written by experts in their field, telling you exactly what it is you need to do.

In fact, there’s so much information out there that you might feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack. How could you ever hope to sort through all the people who are eager to tell you about the benefits of finance, marketing, elder care, and even dentistry.

The first thing you should always ask before taking career advice is where that advice comes from. As a rule, individuals providing testimony about their experiences in a field are always going to be more trustworthy than anything an institution tells you.

The fact is that most institutions who are talking about the benefits of a job will have a vested interest. They want to bring more people into the field. The same is not usually true about a person’s blog or YouTube channel.

That’s not to say that individuals will give you the whole story either. When all’s said and done, they’re only one person. They can only give you their story which is, by definition, anecdotal.

If you really want to know whether a field is right for you before diving into it, then you have to cast your net wide, listen to as many people as possible, and learn what all your options are. 

Social Media

Using social media to help you find your career is nothing new but while most people are wise to the benefits of LinkedIn, there are still lots of advantages to social media that often go overlooked.

For example, reddit in particular can be an excellent resource to speak with people who already work in the field you’re looking for. Although it is an anonymous platform, meaning that any advice should be taken with a strong pinch of salt, it’s generally safe to assume that most people giving advice on a human resources subreddit have worked in human resources. After all, who else would consider joining?

Social media is also an excellent way to get yourself out there if you work in a creative discipline. Not only can you get feedback on your portfolio, helping you to really refine your work, but you can also start to build up a following showing that people enjoy and are interested in what you do. When all’s said and done, results speak louder than words and social media is a great place to get those results.

Online Mentoring

Last but certainly not least, it’s time to talk about the resource that brings you the best of all worlds in one simple package: online mentoring.

It should come as no surprise that, here at Career Navig8r, we’re pretty passionate about online mentoring. That’s because we believe that there really is no better way to find your next dream job than by working with the direct input of someone who’s done that job before.

With online mentoring you’ll get to pose your questions directly to someone with the experience to answer them. Online mentoring provides tailored feedback, designed to craft you into the person you need to be to pursue your ideal career path.

Perhaps most importantly of all, it gives you the chance to find out exactly what a job is like from the other side, helping you make the right decision sooner rather than later.

One of the biggest dangers in searching for your dream job is spending years stuck on a path that isn’t right for you. There are so many stories out there of people who spent decades chasing a dream only to find it wasn’t all they’d imagined it to be. 

Here at Career Navig8r, we want to give you more than just mentoring – we want to give you certainty. That way, you can pursue your path in the knowledge that you’re doing what’s right for you.

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