Career Navig8r Platform Update #3

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Hi there 👋

We just wanted to give you a quick update.

And a big THANK YOU for bearing with us while we get the platform ready for you. We’re edging closer step-by-step!

Our development team in Ukraine are still working like troopers (almost literally) to get the platform live for you all.
The search function is being tested so that you can look for your perfect mentor, and should be ready soon.


Last time we linked you to an article about the benefits of mentoring for mentors
The next one worth your while reading is ‘being a great mentor’👇 👇

How to be the world’s greatest kick-ass mentor

 This ➜ is a reminder to fill in your mentor profile, add your picture, verify your payment with Stripe and set your prices 👍
Career Navig8r | Mentoring Platform (click the big orange ‘Be A Mentor’ button)


Last time, we linked you to our guide on being a great mentee
Here it is if you missed it ➔ How to be a kick-ass mentee – Career Navig8r | Mentoring Resources

If you read that one, why not check out our other resources for mentees

In terms of dates for the platform, we’re currently on target for early May 🤞

We will of course keep you updated if there are any significant changes either way…

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