What Is Reverse Mentoring?

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Have you heard of reverse mentoring? It’s a relatively new type of mentoring, at least compared to traditional mentoring which has pretty much been a concept since time began. There are so many eye-opening benefits of reverse mentoring, so read on to discover what it involves and why you might want to try it to further your career.

Reverse Mentoring Definition

Reverse mentoring is where a younger or less senior person mentors someone older or more ‘junior’ than themselves. Some examples of reverse mentorships include:

  • A member of Gen Z mentoring a Gen X-er
  • A millennial mentoring a Baby Boomer
  • A junior team member mentoring a manager
  • A middle manager mentoring the CEO

Sometimes also referred to as ‘two way mentoring’, the concept of reverse mentoring came about to help different generations in the workplace understand each other better, creating more harmonious working relationships. It also provides workers with a different perspective on their career path that they might not have considered when comparing themselves to their peers.

Why Is Reverse Mentoring Important?

These days, technology and other trends move at a rapid pace. While Boomers and millennials still remember the days of VCR and dial-up internet, Gen Z has grown up alongside even more rapid advancements in technology; they understand the power of TikTok, they know all about influencer marketing, they use voice-activated software routinely and there’s a whole lot they can teach the older generations as part of a reverse mentorship.

The younger generations also have a completely different take on the world of work. Some of them never experienced the time of working in an office 5 days a week pre-COVID and they’re much more likely to have side hustles, a flexible approach to their working day, and to want different things from their career.

If you feel that you’ve hit a wall with your career development, are stuck in a rut, or are considering a career change and aren’t sure which path to take, finding a reverse mentoring partnership could provide you with a whole new perspective.

What Are The Benefits of Reverse Mentoring?

There are so many reverse mentoring benefits, for both mentor and mentee, which are unique to the benefits of mentoring in general due to the nature of the reverse relationship and include:

1. Be Mentored & Mentor At The Same Time

One of the main benefits of reverse mentoring is that it’s a great opportunity to mentor someone while being mentored at the same time. Although the more senior mentee will want your opinion, guidance and support, you’ll have a natural opportunity to quiz them about their experience and ask for advice during your sessions.

Learning the skill of mentoring at an early stage of your career can open up many opportunities for you to make a difference as you continue with your professional development.

2. Improve Your Leadership Skills

Two way mentoring gives you the chance to develop your leadership skills, perhaps before you’re even in a leadership position. You’ll be guiding and teaching someone else, which are valuable skills you don’t always get to hone at this stage, so it’ll give you a headstart on some of the most essential skills for career advancement.

3. Become a Better Communicator

Mentoring requires conversation, active listening, the right body language, and the need to deliver constructive feedback, which are all important communication skills that you’ll use throughout your future career. The benefits of reverse mentoring really will last for decades to come.

4. Expand Your Network

Reverse mentoring provides a unique opportunity to expand your network upwards; you’ll have an organic chance to get to know managers, CEOs and other leaders who you might not have otherwise spoken to at this stage of your career. The connections you make through a reverse mentorship could open up new doors for you in the future.

Another of the top reverse mentoring benefits is the chance to expand your social circle with people from different generations. This type of mentoring allows you to make friends with people from all kinds of backgrounds, who you might not have met otherwise. It’s an incredibly exciting thing to be a part of!

5. Feel Good!

Last but not least is that warm fuzzy feeling of goodness that comes from helping others. Becoming a reverse mentor means you’ll be helping someone to access knowledge and open new doors, which could change their lives for the better. You’re allowed to feel proud.

How To Reverse Mentor: Where to Start

Getting started with reverse mentoring can feel daunting, especially if you don’t speak to many people higher up than you in your day-to-day job. Remember that it’s a fantastic opportunity to build your confidence and expand your network, and that you have knowledge and skills more senior people will want access to – don’t let that imposter syndrome creep in!

If you’re not sure how to reverse mentor, here are our top tips for a successful, balanced and respectful relationship.

  • Make sure you know what a good mentor-mentee relationship should look like. Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries around your availability or communication preferences. Just because the mentee is ‘above’ you, don’t let them take advantage
  • Ask your mentee to complete a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) analysis, and complete one for yourself at the same time. Consider sharing your results with each other so you’re both being honest, a little bit vulnerable and starting on more of a level playing field
  • Make sure you’ve got your own support network in place. It can feel like a big responsibility mentoring someone more experienced with their career goals, so engaging in a peer mentoring or traditional mentoring partnership can help you stay focused on your own path too

Start Reverse Mentoring

Ready to try two way mentoring? At Career Navig8r, you can sign up to become a mentor or find a mentor, depending on which end of the partnership you’d like to be on – you could even go completely wild and try both.

Experience the many rewarding benefits of reverse mentoring and sign up today.

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