Marketing Through Social Media in 2024

The landscape of marketing has changed drastically over the last two decades. As people have shifted their media tastes, marketing managers have moved quickly to keep up, finding new and ever more effective strategies to get the word out about their products.

Today we’d like to talk about what a marketing manager role entails in 2024 as well as how to be an effective marketing manager in an increasingly online culture.

The Pros & Cons of Being a Marketing Manager

Marketing manager roles can be incredibly engaging, especially for the creatively minded. On the day to day the job combines both people skills and ingenuity as you head up a team to find the very best methods of communicating with your audience.

One thing it’s always important to understand about marketing is that you’re aiming to hit a moving target. At its core, a good campaign is one that gets all eyes on you – preferably without damaging the brand in the process. By definition, the most interesting and attention grabbing marketing campaign is the one that nobody has ever seen before. Or to put it simply, novelty should always be a priority.

In practice this can start to feel quite frustrating. After all, established approaches rarely have a chance to even develop before they’ve grown out of date. How can you ever hope to keep up with a job that’s constantly reinventing itself?

What Marketing Managers Bring to the Table

Learning how to be an effective marketing manager can take time but developing that skill makes you an incredibly valuable employee. Marketing is, in many ways, at the heart of a company’s success and knowing how to effectively run your team can literally be make or break – especially for startup companies.

That being said, there’s plenty that you can learn on the job, especially if you have a good understanding of the basic principles.

We said before that this is a field that’s always reinventing itself and while that is true, those with experience start to see a little method in the madness.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a brand new product targeted at the 18-24 demographic. Twenty years ago, you might have run an advert on a popular TV program that would have lined up with said demographic. These days you might sponsor a social media influencer.

The method is different but the underlying principle is the same: find the people who want your product, find the place where their attention is going, and make sure that your product is front and centre in that space. It might sound simple, but knowing to recognise opportunities to reapply that principle in new markets is the single best skill a social media marketer can have.

Becoming a Marketing Manager Mentor

Anyone who wants to know how to be a good marketing manager is going to need a marketing manager mentor. They’ll need someone who’s overseen successful campaigns before and can talk clearly about the approaches that were taken.

If you’ve got that experience then you’d be an invaluable consultant for many. From entrepreneurs looking to learn more about your experiences to people just starting out in their career, there’s a serious demand for guidance in the social media marketing space.

To understand this, it’s worth noting that social media marketing is a particularly unusual industry. Although it’s only been a real marketing titan for the last decade or so, social media marketing as a whole has only had around twenty years to develop.

In some ways that means that the earliest adopters don’t have much advantage over the rest of us. After all, so many trends have come and gone that it’s hard to even keep track. That being said, the more experience you have the easier it is to spot the underlying patterns beneath those trends.

It can be easy to see the internet as a chaotic realm where anything goes. Virality is just a game of chance – a slot machine where if your company puts out enough content, then eventually your brand will be rocketed to success. The truth, however, is not so simple.

While platforms have come and gone, and the demands of content have shifted back and forth, several fundamental facts have stayed the same. Whether it’s a quick tweet, a TikTok video, or even a long-form blog post, people still want to be told a story that’s relevant to them. The medium might be different but the underlying principle that personality sells product is the same.

If you understand how to leverage that principle, then it’s time you started your new career as a marketing manager mentor. With your skills and experience, you could teach people the path to success, helping them to achieve their dreams, while becoming your own boss.

Join Career Navig8r today to find out more!

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