The Advantages of Being a Regional Sales Manager

benefits of being a regional sales manager illustration

Building a career in sales can take time but in some ways it’s one of the most linear career paths you can have. From the shopfloor, you work your way up to a managerial role, first for a department, then a store and then, if you like the sound of travelling, to become a regional manager.

At least, that’s the idealised career path that many picture when they begin their sales journey. The details can be a little more complicated and there are often plenty of opportunities to jump into other careers.

That said, for those who do follow this path, the decision to become a regional sales manager is often a difficult one as it means taking on a lot more responsibility and, potentially, a lot more stress. In this article, we’d like to argue the benefits of being a regional sales manager and why, for many, it’s a dream job nonetheless.

Improved Pay

First things first, let’s not underestimate the value of a bigger paycheck. There are a lot of reasons why your pay isn’t the only thing that matters but that doesn’t change the fact that becoming a regional sales manager could earn you a lot of money and, if you’re looking to invest in savings and retire early, it may be the perfect opportunity.

Better Job Satisfaction

For many, working as a regional sales manager is actually more satisfying than being a store manager because it gives you such a breadth of experience. If you’re someone who likes to work with and meet lots of new people, then this is the perfect role for you.

Speaking of which, it’s also a chance to network both within and outside your company which is always valuable from a careers perspective.

Furthermore, while the long hours spent on the road may be a problem for some people, if you’re someone who loves a chance to jump behind the wheel of your car and doesn’t mind getting paid to do it, then this job is perfect for you. On the other hand, if you hate driving then even that may not be as much of a problem as it once was because some companies are far more willing to let regional managers work with stores remotely.

A Chance To Make an Impact

Thanks to Stan Lee and Spiderman, we all know that with great power comes great responsibility but the reverse of that is also true. Sometimes taking on new responsibilities can give you the power to make important and meaningful changes, improving both the company you work for and the experience for customers and employees alike.

If you think working on the shop floor could be made easier or more effective, then now’s the chance to make that difference. As a regional manager you could quite literally be the change you want to see.

While the exact amount of authority you’re given will vary a lot depending on the company, there’s no denying that a promotion like this one will always give you more of a chance to push the company in a direction that you’d prefer.

A Valued Commodity

Of course, it’s worth noting that one of the biggest advantages of being a regional sales manager is the sheer breadth of experience you gain. Once you’ve been a regional sales manager, that can open up much bigger doors as you can now speak from experience about every level of the company.

But it’s not just about climbing further up the career ladder. A good regional sales manager with a clear track record of success is likely to be approached by other companies. On the one hand this means you’ll have more offers coming in but on the other it means you can use those offers to negotiate better pay for the same role. Either way, it’s a win-win.

Further Opportunities

And of course, if you’re really sick of being a regional sales manager altogether, you could also become a mentor. Now that you’ve worked every step of the way, you’ve got the experience to pass that knowledge along. For someone who’s just climbing their way up the ranks, your advice could be an incredibly valuable asset.

On the other hand you could consider starting your own business, or giving advice directly to businesses who are looking to branch out. The truth is that there really is no limit to the value that real experience can bring and a regional sales manager gets to see the real nuts and bolts of how retail operates on a day-to-day basis by interacting with every different part of a company.

Interested in becoming a regional sales manager? By signing up to Career Navig8r, you could learn from an expert while meeting their network and making valuable career contacts.

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