Looking To Change Your Lifestyle? Why Not Become a Paid Mentor Online?

Looking To Change Your Lifestyle? Why Not Become a Paid Mentor Online?; lady changing their lifestyle

Did you know that anyone with experience of a job role can become a paid Mentor? That anyone can work from home, in their own hours, at a rate of their choosing?

The days of dingy office jobs are almost gone and, in their place, many people are finally getting the chance to be truly in control of their work/life balance. But what does it mean to be an online mentor? And how can you finally escape the office once and for all?

What it Means to Become a Mentor

Nobody likes being tied down, especially not by their career. In 2024, with the rise of remote, online working, more people than ever before are getting to experience whole new levels of professional freedom which, in turn, has an incredible impact on their lifestyle.

For example, London is famously an expensive place to live. This is a problem because many of the UK’s best paying jobs are also in London. Now, however, with remote working, it’s possible to earn a London wage without having to pay the money it costs to live in London. This has given a new generation of employees a level of unprecedented financial freedom when it comes to where they live.

Similar logic applies to being an online Mentor. Many skill sets dictate where you can live. Agricultural skills mean you likely have to live in rural areas while tertiary sector roles such as IT and marketing have always pushed people towards urban locations.

In this regard, remote mentoring is a total game-changer. If someone is looking to learn from you, then it doesn’t matter where you’re based. As a professional Mentor you’re no longer tied to any one location. So long as you have your laptop and an internet connection, you can earn a living.

The Day-To-Day of Mentoring

As a remote Mentor, your work will largely consist of taking calls, giving advice, and helping people to find their path. You may also help your Mentee by setting up introductions to people in your professional network or researching opportunities for them.

That being said, it’s not your job to do their work for them, but to teach them how to succeed in the job role you’re experienced in. To that end, most mentoring is just about being a good communicator. You’ll spend your time in front of the screen talking through the tips and tricks of your industry, the best etiquette for job interviews, and what looks good on a CV.

All in all, the only skills you’ll need to bring to the table are the ones you already have.

A Carefree Lifestyle

Many of us dream of a more carefree lifestyle but few people get to make that dream a reality. Imagine if you could go on a two week cruise without ever having to book a day off work. Imagine being able to get your work done while sitting on a sunny balcony in Spain.

Mentoring as an income source gives you so much more freedom in your personal time without ever requiring you to push outside of your comfort zone. After all, your Mentee came to you because you already know what they want to learn. You’re already the ideal person to teach what you do.

Full Time or Part Time

Of course, you don’t have to Mentor as your main source of income – that’s up to you. In fact, it’s all up to you, that’s the beauty of becoming a paid mentor.

You can set yourself up as a full-time Mentor or slip clients in as and where you have the time in between your regular job. At Career Navig8r, we’re not here to dictate how you live your life. We just want to give you the tools to earn money by teaching other people how to do what you do best.

The Responsibilities of Mentoring

At the end of the day, a huge part of what makes mentoring special as a career choice is that you’re only responsible for two people: your Mentee and you. So long as you’re helping them achieve their goals and earning a sustainable income, then nobody can tell you what to do.

If you value the feeling of being in control of your own choices, then mentoring truly is the perfect career for you.

Interested in becoming a Mentor? The signup process is easy! All you have to do is make a free account, let us know about your previous employment and the job role you want to Mentor, and wait for the Mentees to come to you. Join Career Navig8r today and start living your life your way!

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