Financespiration! Why Finance Experts Make Such Great Motivational Speakers

Why Finance Experts Make Such Great Motivational Speakers; finance person giving motivational speech

Have you ever wondered why it is that so many people from the finance world make such excellent motivational speakers? Ever thought of becoming a motivational speaker yourself?

If you’re considering sharing your motivation for finance with others, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’ll be digging into exactly what it is that makes financial experts so well suited to motivational speaking as well as other ways you can put your passion for finance to work.

What Is Motivational Speaking?

Why Finance Experts Make Such Great Motivational Speakers; someone giving motivational speech

When people think of motivational speakers, they often think of self-help gurus standing on a stage telling you how you should live your life, and while this certainly is a part of the industry, there’s a lot more to motivational speaking than that.

Motivational speaking isn’t just about profiting off of the idea of inspiration, but about helping people find what they really want and helping them fix the problems that are getting in their way. It’s not about having all the answers but about helping people to find their own answers.

Most people you speak to have dreams and it’s a sad truth that many of those dreams go unfulfilled. At its best, motivational speaking can be the force that pushes people to fulfil those dreams and to work past whatever was blocking them. If you can do that, then you can make a real difference in someone else’s life.

What Finance Teaches You About Motivation

What was it that inspired your motivation for finance? Was it a love of organisation and clarity? Or a desire to be the force empowering companies to achieve great things?

However you found your way into the finance industry, it took a number of skills and one of those skills was the ability to keep going. Finance is a highly competitive sector and those who thrive do so because they know how to properly motivate themselves. They know how to keep going even when the challenges are mounting and how to course correct so that they’re always set on the right path.

Those skills are incredible both inside and outside the world of finance.

Inspiration Changes Lives

It’s also worth noting that inspiration really can have a value all on its own, especially when that inspiration is directed. After all, it’s one thing to dream of working in finance but getting to talk to someone face to face who’s been there and done it can really help put things into perspective.

Simply being able to tell people how you got where you are can mean a lot. It can give people a concrete image to strive for as well as confirmation that your methods, techniques, and approaches really, meaningfully work.

A Lucrative Second Income Stream

It should also be mentioned that if you’re looking for a way to move out of a full-time and stressful career in finance then helping to motivate the next generation is an excellent, low-stress alternative.

Your knowledge, experience, and information is seriously valuable to all those people who are looking to enter the finance industry and, in 2024, there are more ways than ever before to capitalise on that fact. Whether you’re sharing your experience through social media, through books, or through talks, there are people out there who are simply waiting for the chance to learn from you.

Becoming a Motivational Mentor

Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the simplest and easiest way you can put your skills to use as an experienced professional in the finance industry. By becoming a mentor, you could have all the benefits of motivational speaking while maintaining far better control over your time and earnings.

As a mentor you’ll be able to set your own hours, be selective about the clients you wish to work with, and charge a rate that you feel accurately represents the incredible value you can bring to someone else’s career. Best of all, you’ll get to work directly with someone, shaping them into a more successful version of themself and watching all your hard work pay off.

If you’re the kind of person who can inspire people, then you’re exactly the type to become a first-rate mentor. As a mentor, you’ll be able to provide finance inspiration to the next generation, many of whom are eager to find their way into financial work if they can just get the right start. You could be that start, empowering people to reach new heights and achieve things they might never have thought possible!

Are you ready to be someone’s financespiration? It’s time to share your motivation for finance while earning money by becoming a mentor with Career Navig8r!

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