Retire with Purpose: Sharing Your Wisdom As A Mentor 

Retire with Purpose: Sharing Your Wisdom As A Mentor; a man on a mountain

Have you ever considered a retirement career? Do you think about helping to develop the next generation of workers by sharing the lessons you’ve learned along the way? 

If you’re the kind of person who’s looking to keep your mind active and help others in a real and meaningful way, all while being paid for your time, then you’re probably a mentor in waiting. What’s more, you’re not the only one. 

Mentoring in Retirement 

Many people dream of retirement – of the day when they can pack in their job and live a life of leisure. But is it really retirement they dream of, or simply the freedom to choose what to do with their time? 

In 2017, Cambridge University Press published a study suggesting that ‘unretirement’ might be far more common than most people think with as many as one in four participants reporting a return to the workplace after retirement. While individual reasons vary, one fact is clear – retirement isn’t always permanent. 

The same study also found that those in better health were far more likely to return to work. This might not seem all that surprising but it begs an important question: how many people would want to return to work if it were an option for them? 

This brings us to mentoring. The beauty of mentoring as a retirement career is two fold. Firstly, anyone can be a mentor. Whether you’re a scientist or a surgeon, there’s someone out there who’d gladly pay for the benefit of your expertise. Secondly, you’re in control. 

You won’t have to work to someone else’s hours and you won’t have to take on any challenge you don’t choose to. If you have unique health needs or you’d like to organise your work around your lifestyle, mentoring allows you to do just that without the need to learn any new skills. That’s what makes it such a perfect retirement career! 

Does Age Matter in Mentorship? 

They say you’re only as old as you feel and while that might not be entirely true for mountain climbers and snowboarders, it couldn’t be more true for mentors. 

Mentoring isn’t about breaking new boundaries or working yourself to the bone, but about providing support and advice to those who could use it. The most important part of mentoring is your ability to step back into the shoes of your younger self and remember how it felt to start your career. 

The best teachers are those who really empathise with their students. As an expert in your field who’s been where they are now, you’re perfectly placed, not only to empathise with them, but also to provide the real and concrete information you wish you’d had when you were at that stage in your career. 

Am I Too Old to be a Mentor? 

Nobody is too old to be a Mentor. If you’ve got advice to offer then you’ll make an excellent Mentor and there’s nothing standing in your way. 

Working with Career Navig8r, you’ll be fully remote and that comes with all the accessibility features technology has to offer. These include: 

  • No need for transport – you can work from the comfort of your own home. 
  • Shared calendars – take the stress out of time management. 
  • Digital transcription – let your computer take care of the note taking. 
  • Speech recognition – take control of your devices with the power of your own voice! 
  • Text-to-speech – overcome visual/reading impairments by using text to speech software to read emails, notes, and documents to you. 

Here at Career Navig8r, we really believe that age should never be a barrier and that’s why we’re eager to help you find the best tools to put you in control of your retirement career. 

Mentorship To Provide Purpose and Meaning 

A good career doesn’t have to be easy, it just has to be fulfilling – your retirement career could be both. Mentorship is an amazing way to bring in another income but it’s also a powerful and meaningful way to make a difference both in your expert field and in someone else’s life. 

When people dream of retirement, they dream of the day when they get to live their life their way. With mentorship, you can have the best of all worlds, taking part in a career/industry you love while setting your own hours and being your own boss. 

As a Mentor, you’ll be an influential and vital part of someone else’s life. You’ll be the voice that guides the next generation, encouraging the best practices and inspiring people to push boundaries and innovate new ideas, all while never forgetting the most important lessons. 

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and discover a new type of retirement career. It’s never too late to make a meaningful difference in someone else’s life! 

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