How Mentorship Can Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How Mentorship Can Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome; mentor showing a mentee how to stop imposter syndrome

At some point in their lives, almost everyone you meet will struggle with imposter syndrome in one way or another. For some people, it’s just an occasional feeling of self-doubt but for others it can be a serious block to achievement.

But it doesn’t have to be. Here at Career Navig8r, we believe that it’s always possible to overcome imposter syndrome and today we’re going to tell you how.

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

How Mentorship Can Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome; a mentee struggling with imposter syndrome

In a sense, imposter syndrome can be easy to write-off. You just tell yourself that your brain’s lying to you and then you move on. Simple, right?

Except it’s not that simple. While you do your best to get on and go, those nagging thoughts and doubts can seriously hold you back, often in ways you don’t even realise. If you want to be the best version of yourself and overcome imposter syndrome then you have to stop ignoring those thoughts and face them head on.

Ask yourself where those doubts come from? Why do you believe that you’re not the right person to do what you do? And are there any steps you can take to make yourself that person?

Building Self-Awareness Through Mentorship

Here’s the hard truth that we’re all a little reluctant to admit: imposter syndrome isn’t always a lie.

That’s not to say you can’t be the person you want to be, but sometimes that imposter syndrome, that deep-seated sense of doubt, is an expression of something real. Maybe you haven’t mastered the skills you need to? Maybe you’re not living up to your idea of who you could be?

This is where things get really tricky, because knowing the difference between needless self-doubt and honest self-reflection is an almost impossible task on your own. After all, blind spots are called blind spots for a reason.

If all this sounds a little bleak then don’t panic. There is any easy solution to this problem so long as you’re willing to work with others.

The person to identify and help with your blind spots is someone who sees you everyday. They’re someone you trust and someone whose opinion you respect. Most importantly, they’re someone with a detailed understanding of your professional strengths and weaknesses.

A Mentor can be all these things and more. By working with a Mentor, you can identify the source of your imposter syndrome and tackle it directly.

Do you struggle to manage teams of people? Why not ask your Mentor how they do it?

Are your skills not up to scratch? Then it’s time to get practising with an expert on hand.

And of course, when all’s said and done you might find out that your imposter syndrome really was just a part of your imagination. With the help of your Mentor you can know for sure. 

Challenging Negative Self-Talk with Mentor Support

The real problem with imposter syndrome is that it can encourage a defeatist mindset. It might be cliched to point out but self-doubt really is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don’t believe you can do something then you’ll never really try.

A good Mentor is someone who’ll encourage you to start believing in yourself. They’ll tell you when you’re overthinking and push you towards a positive mindset.

When you do believe in yourself, you start setting real goals. Once you start setting those goals, you’ll find you start achieving them and that’s the most important part of all.

Don’t Let Your Imposter Syndrome Take The Wheel

At the end of the day, it’s very normal to live with a little imposter syndrome. Those doubts can even be useful, encouraging you towards self-reflection and growth. When you overcome imposter syndrome, what you’re really doing is learning to take charge and tell that voice in your head to settle down. After all, nobody’s perfect.

Here’s one last piece of advice – and it’s a good one. Next time you feel like an imposter, go to a crowded place and take a look around yourself. Take a look at all the people going about their daily lives and remember that they all have one thing in common. They all feel just as clueless about their lives as you do about yours but they keep going all the same. If they can do it, then why can’t you?

If you’re really looking to overcome your imposter syndrome then why not become a Mentor. The amazing thing about mentoring is that the only qualification you need is your experience. Whether you’re a barrister or a bus driver you know how you got where you are today and you’ve got what it takes to teach someone else.

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