Going Through a Career Transition? Here’s How Online Mentoring Could Ease the Process

Going Through a Career Transition; visual representation of a career transition

There’s nothing more satisfying than working a job you truly find fulfilling. Sadly, however, many people find themselves stuck in dead-end jobs, unable to make the career transition they’ve always dreamed of.

Here at Career Navig8r we believe that everyone should experience the joy of working a job that’s meaningful to them and that’s why we’ve worked hard to create a space where people can share their experience and work together for a brighter future. In this article, we’d like to dig into our top career transition tips and why we feel online mentoring could help.

The Flexibility of Freelancing

One of the hardest parts of a career transition is deciding whether or not to quit your job before you’ve found a new one. For many people, the reality of living without a consistent income stream makes this a practical impossibility.

The problem is that career transitions also take a lot of time and work – especially if you’re looking to switch to a completely new job role. In many cases a career transition can mean completely rewriting your CV, taking the time to research potential job roles, and dedicating many hours to writing really powerful applications that highlight your skills in the best possible light. On top of all that, you might also have to retrain or gain new qualifications. 

How then are you supposed to get all of this done while working a stressful and unfulfilling full-time job?

This is where freelancing can come in really handy. While, for some people, freelancing is a long-term career, for others it can be more of a short-term/stopgap measure. Freelancing allows people to have a flexible income source while giving them far more power over their time. In fact, when you get right down to it, freelancing is the most flexible work you could ask for, making it perfect for people going through a career transition.

The Power of Saying ‘No’

Going Through a Career Transition; a lady saying no

Negotiation is hard, especially when you’re on the ropes. Negotiating for a job when you’re desperate to get out of your current role makes it far harder to hold out for the right deal. That problem becomes even worse for those who’ve already quit their job and are now feeling the burn as their hard earned savings evaporate week by week and month by month.

That being said, it doesn’t have to be this way. With a successful freelance income, you’ll have far more financial flexibility, meaning that you can take as long as you need to find the job that’s right for you. Furthermore, once you do find the job that’s right for you, it’ll be a lot easier to negotiate the best possible terms because you’ll have a special super power on your side: the word no.

There is nothing more powerful in a negotiation than being able to say no. Being able to say no, and mean it, forces a company to think hard about what you’re really worth to them. Ultimately, even if they’re not willing to pay you what you’re really worth, then that just means they don’t respect you enough to try. And why would you want to work with someone who won’t treat you with respect?

Life becomes a lot easier when you have the option of saying no.

The Long Term Viability of Being A Mentor

We’ve talked a lot about freelancing a bridge to help you through your career transition but just as it can be an excellent short-term measure, being a freelancer can also be a very viable long-term career.

Here at Career Navig8r, we feel that one of the most flexible, manageable, and stable freelance careers you can have is as a Mentor. Being a Mentor represents an online career transition – one during which all you’ll need is your experience. As a Mentor you’ll be able to use all the skills and knowledge that you’ve built up over your career without the stress of those full time working hours or the same responsibilities you would usually have.

Best of all, you can be a Mentor for a week, a month, or a decade. You can take on as many or as few Mentees as you like, and set your own rates. Your timetable is 100% in your hands meaning that, should you choose to go into another full time job, you’ll be able to dial your mentoring back and should you choose to change jobs again, you’ll be able to ramp it up again.

It’s time to start your online career transition today! Sign up for free with Career Navig8r and before you know it, you’ll be earning money in your own home, in your own time, and in your own way. What could be better than that?

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