A Practical Guide to Networking: The Importance of Career Connections
Learning how to network better is one of the most fundamental career skills you can develop. Good networking can open all kinds of doors, presenting opportunities that might never have seemed possible before. Today we’ll be sharing some simple steps you can take to connect with your peers and develop professional relationships in this practical guide to networking.
Active Communication
Reaching out to people can be stressful – especially in connection with work. As an entry-level/junior employee, many people get into the habit of waiting for others to contact them. After all, other people give the instructions, you just execute them, right?
Learning to actively communicate is not only a fundamental workplace skill but it’s also a vital part of your career development as a whole. Whether it’s sharing your ideas with the team or simply making a point of passing on potentially important information, knowing when to make yourself heard can often be the difference between promotion and stagnation.
The same is true when it comes to networking. It might sound harsh, but if you don’t reach out to people, they’re not likely to remember you. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a new job and you make sure all your former colleagues are aware of that, then they’re more likely to put your name forward when there’s an opening at their company. It really is that simple.
Of course, the hardest part of active communication for many people is overcoming the sheer anxiety that comes with reaching out to another person. If you’re someone who struggles with that, then just remember that it gets easier over time. The first time you reach out to someone it can feel like an impossible barrier to overcome but the more you do it, the smaller that barrier becomes.
When it comes to active communication, practice really does make perfect.
Online Networking
Of course, no guide to networking would be complete without a mention of the online platform that was literally built for it: LinkedIn.
LinkedIn and other online platforms have become a core part of the networking puzzle in recent years and there’s a reason for that. Not only does it offer employers a place to find and research potential candidates but it’s a chance for you to be part of the wider conversation within your field/industry.
In many ways, these kinds of social media platforms are a place for you to build up a brand – an image of who you are and what you could bring to a company. At its core learning how to network better is learning how to get your name and face in front of other people, in a big way, that means putting yourself out there.
Not that social media is your only online option. The rise of the website portfolio has also had a huge impact on the landscape. If you want a quick and flashy way to share who you are and what you do, your website is an easy way to do just that.
Of course the most effective solution of all is to combine these strategies. Have a presence on multiple platforms and be sure to crosspost. Make sure all your bios link to your website where people can see your work for themselves.
In Person Networking
If all of the above sounds far too 2025 for you, then don’t worry! Good old fashioned, face to face networking isn’t gone just yet. In fact, some would say it’s stronger than ever.
While networking in person can be slower it can also be more stable. By going to industry events and meeting people in person, the connections you make can be more memorable and more meaningful.
In many ways, in person networking is going for depth over breadth. Although it can be harder to find these opportunities, when you get the chance to meet people face to face, you also get the chance to leave a strong impression.
Be Good to Your Community
Last but certainly not least, the one thing anyone should do if they want to get better at networking is always, always, ALWAYS, think about what they’re bringing to their communities.
Every job you have will make you part of a community, be that just your workplace colleagues or the wider community of your industry. How you give back to your community is up to you but being willing to share advice and occasionally taking the time to go above and beyond in helping others can be extremely beneficial in the long run.
Whether it’s on a one-to-one level or a more public platform, having a reputation for being kind and pleasant to work with is the single best accreditation you can have.
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