Escaping The Office: How Mentoring Could Help You Earn Money From Home

Over the last couple of years, as we’ve moved out of the pandemic and into a world of remote and hybrid working, many people have begun to rethink their connection to the office. While some still enjoy having a dedicated location to see and work with their colleagues, others want nothing more than the option to earn money from home.

Ultimately, however, it’s not the employees who get to make this decision. Instead, employers are the ones calling the shots and their aims don’t always line up with the best interests of employees.

But what if there was an easy way to earn money from home without the need to work for a large company? What if you could put your valuable skills to work in a way that was flexible, allowing you to be your own boss?

Becoming A Mentor

One thing many people don’t realise is just how easy it is to become a Mentor, especially with Career Navig8r here to help!

After all, there are countless people out there who’d love to jump onto a new career ladder but they don’t know how. They’d love to find someone who could train them and help get them where you are now. As a Mentor, you could be that someone.

All you need to do to become a Mentor is sign up to our platform and provide us with some basic information about what you do and your experience in that role. There’s no interview, no exam, and absolutely no costs. Career Navig8r is free to use and easy to work with.

All this to say that if you want to earn money from home then your career as a Mentor is waiting for you. All you need to do is embrace it.

The Freedom of Mentoring

Escaping The Office: How Mentoring Could Help You Earn Money From Home; a mentor relaxing whilst working

For many people, the notion of being your own boss can be a little daunting so let’s take a moment to talk about how that really looks in the context of mentoring.

With many freelance/self employed roles, there’s a huge amount of responsibility. How do you market yourself? How do you find customers/clients? How can you be sure any of this will work?

The beauty of mentoring with Career Navig8r is that we cut out many of these responsibilities while preserving the freedoms. You won’t have to worry about how people will find you or how you should market yourself because that’s the part we take care of. If you have any doubt about whether what you’re doing will work, then you need only look at the other freelancers on the site.

Meanwhile, you’ll have the freedom to:

  • Work wherever you want – from a beach in the Bahamas to your own back garden.
  • Work whenever you want – whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there are people in every time zone who’d love to have a great Mentor.
  • Be your honest self – whether you’re more comfortable in a suit and tie or a casual shirt, what you wear and how you talk are entirely up to you.
  • Set your own rates – because we believe that the only person who’s qualified to decide what your time is worth is you!

Anyone Can Do It

Many people simply overlook the possibility of mentoring, or else they assume it’s not right for them. Often, this is just imposter syndrome at work, telling people that, despite their extensive knowledge and experience of the job role they work, they’re somehow not qualified to teach others what they already know.

In some cases, people worry that they’ll need specific qualifications such as a degree or certification in order to share their knowledge. If that’s you, then let us reassure you that you’ll never need a qualification just to teach someone about your life experiences.

And, in a large way, that’s all that mentoring is. While this can vary depending on the job role, the core of mentoring isn’t so much about teaching someone the skills, as it is about teaching them how to learn the skills. It’s about showing them how you got where you are and the road they’ll need to go down. Your job isn’t to take them on that journey but to help them navigate it.

Here at Career Navig8r, we believe that anybody can become a Mentor so long as they have experience of the role they’re looking to teach. That’s why we’ve built our platform to be as flexible as possible, allowing people to define their own terms and work in a way that suits them and their lifestyle.

Are you ready to earn money from home while empowering others to change their lives? Become a Mentor today and join the new generation of remote workers!

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